ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Requirements

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ISO 9001:2015 does not mention this aspect any more. Monitoring usually involves conducting ongoing periodic checks to determine whether product characteristics or process parameters are within acceptable limits.

They can only start a new certification according to ISO 9001:2015. Important to know: If a supplier is ISO 9001 certified it means that the supplier has established a systematic approach to quality management to ensure that your needs are clearly understood, agreed and fulfilled.

ISO 9001:2015 in Detail: The Clause Structure - Without struggle, stress and headaches. If you are a small organization that will have the CEO do all communication, and you will only communicate what is defined in your contracts and legal requirements, you may not need to document your plan, but if it becomes more complex with different people communicating to different parties, in different ways, on different topics, a documented plan might be a good idea.

Pauwels Consulting assists companies in Belgium and abroad in setting up and monitoring quality systems and continuously improving business processes. We have a number of experienced ISO 9001 consultants on board to achieve this. Luc Marivoet is one of our quality experts. We interviewed Luc about the publication of the new ISO 9001:2015 standard and the main differences between ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9001:2008. Luc, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? After my studies as a technical engineer, I worked successively as a Quality Test Engineer, Quality Control Manager, Quality Auditor and Quality Manager in various sectors. I am responsible for setting up, implementing, monitoring and maintaining the ISO 9001 certified quality management system. What is ISO 9001 again? A standard is not a law, but an agreement or best practice that an organisation can apply voluntarily. A standard reflects a good level of professionalism. A quality management system is a tool with which an organisation can determine how it can meet the requirements of its customers and the other interested parties that are involved in its activities. What are the benefits of ISO 9001? This is often a requirement for customers and suppliers to do business with you. What does the ISO 9001 standard specify? ISO 9001:2015 describes for each part which requirements your products, services and organisation have to meet in order to enjoy the above benefits. Who determines, checks and manages ISO 9001? ISO 9001 is managed by the International Organisation for Standardisation ISO in Geneva, Switzerland. However, ISO does not provide certification or conformity assessment. This is performed by accredited certification bodies. I understand that the previous version of ISO 9001 dates from 2008 and that there is now a new version? A new version of ISO 9001 appears about every seven years. It was first issued in 1987: at that time, you had to describe in detail what your business did. In the 2000 version, you had to focus on proper processes in order to continually improve and thereby increase your customer satisfaction. There was nothing added in 2008, but it was more precise about the interpretation of the standard. ISO 9001:2015 was published on 23 September 2015. Do organisations have to move over from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 immediately? There is a transitional period of three years after the publication of each new version of ISO 9001, during which organisations can adapt their quality management to match the latest version. Organisations must therefore implement the new ISO 9001:2015 standard before 23 September 2018 in order to continue complying with ISO 9001. What are the main differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015? ISO 9001:2015 HAS TEN CLAUSES INSTEAD OF EIGHT ISO 9001:2015 has ten clauses instead of eight. The following table shows the relationship of the ISO 9001:2008 clauses to those in the new ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2015 0. Terms and definitions 3. Terms and definitions 4. Quality management system 4. Context of the organisation 5. Measurement, analysis and improvement 9. Improvement The first three clauses in ISO 9001:2015 are largely the same as those in ISO 9001:2008, but there are considerable differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 from the fourth clause onwards. The last seven clauses are now arranged according to the PDCA cycle Plan, Do, Check, Act. The following figure shows this. Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 of ISO 9001:2015 come under PLAN, clause 8 comes under DO, clause 9 comes under CHECK and clause 10 is covered by ACT. With this new arrangement, the new ISO 9001:2015 strives to give additional momentum to the continuous and systematic improvement of processes within organisations. The core elements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, etc. This has made the integration of various management systems much simpler. If, for example, an organisation wishes to implement ISO 14001 in addition to ISO 9001, the parts that cover the same topic can easily be seen in the standards. ISO 9001:2015 PUTS MORE FOCUS ON INPUT AND OUTPUT There is more emphasis in ISO 9001:2015 on measuring and properly assessing the input and output of processes. According to ISO 9001:2015, you must closely monitor which articles, information and specifications are involved in the production process. You must also clearly check whether good articles come out of the production process. RISK-BASED THINKING IS AT THE CORE OF ISO 9001:2015 Risk-based thinking has a very important place in ISO 9001:2015. You are now strongly encouraged as an organisation to use risk analysis in order to decide for yourself which challenges you see in the management of your business processes. Formal risk analysis, familiar to many organisations via FMEA or HACCP techniques, is now standard for everyone. These preventive measures no longer appear in ISO 9001:2015. CONTEXT OF THE ORGANISATION IMPORTANT IN ISO 9001:2015 ISO 9001:2015 requires an organisation to construct its quality management system from now on from the specific context within which it is active. This means, among other things, that, as an organisation, you have to take into account the needs and expectations of interested parties and that you evaluate and deal with internal and external strategic questions. You have to show that, as an organisation, you understand and respond to the expectations of all the parties concerned. ISO 9001:2015 AND THE ENGAGEMENT OF INTERESTED PARTIES In ISO 9001:2008, customers were often named as being the only interested party. This concept has been extended in ISO 9001:2015. Suppliers, personnel, shareholders, legislative bodies, society, internal customers, etc. This has always been part of the standard in another form, however. Therefore, it is not expected that organisations will have to implement major changes in this respect. You cannot make or deliver a good product without knowing the requirements and expectations of customers and interested parties in any case. This is the basis of a quality management system. Are you ready for the next step in your career? Are you looking for a new challenge and do you want to work on interesting projects with leading companies in Belgium, the Netherlands, France or Switzerland? Click the button below, discover our job openings and apply today! We look forward to helping you find and land your dream job. LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT IN ISO 9001:2015 ISO 9001:2015 also places more emphasis on leadership and management commitment. It requires greater involvement by top managers and business leaders in controlling the quality management system. This way, ISO 9001:2015 is intended to encourage integration and harmonisation with business processes and business strategies. The top management now has to take more responsibility for the effectiveness of the quality management system. Because ISO 9001:2015 pays more attention to risk management, interested parties and the context of the organisation, the quality management system also fits in better with the needs of the top management. The quality management system is now more than ever a means for being strategically successful by addressing the needs of interested parties and by managing opportunities and threats. ISO 9001:2015 does not mention this aspect any more. The idea behind the change is that quality is a matter for everyone and for all levels within the organisation. DOCUMENTED INFORMATION ISO 9001:2015 no longer requires obligatory documented procedures or a quality manual. The information can be in any format and come from various sources and media. Diverse forms of evidence or documentation are therefore possible. DIFFERENT TERMINOLOGY IN ISO 9001:2008 AND ISO 9001:2015 The following table is a brief summary of a number of important changes to the terminology compared with ISO 9001:2008. ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2015 Products Products and services Documentation, quality manual, documented procedures, records, instructions Documented information Work environment Environment for the operation of processes Monitoring and measuring equipment Monitoring and measuring resources Purchased product Externally provided products and services Supplier External provider This is not an exhaustive list of the differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015, but it does show the main points. How can companies transition from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015? Assuming that a company is already ISO 9001 certified, I recommend taking the following steps in order to comply with ISO 9001:2015: 1. Baseline measurement Perform a baseline measurement in your organisation. Plan of approach Draw up a plan based on the baseline measurement. Thanks to this plan, you can take the time to make changes and to implement improvements step by step. Implementation Implement the changes in accordance with the plan of approach. Incorporate measurement points and milestones. Auditing and process analysis Measure whether the changes have had the desired effect. Measure the input and output of the processes you consider to be important because they are critical or risky, for example. Certification Have your organisation certified according to ISO 9001:2015. Communication with interested parties Show your interested parties not just the certificate, but also show them the results with pride. Let them see how well your organisation manages its processes and continuously improves them. Is there anything else companies need to know before they get going with ISO 9001 or the new version ISO 9001:2015? The requirement for formal procedures and a quality manual have been scrapped in ISO 9001:2015, as was stated above. Only relevant information has to be available now. Organisations that already have an ISO 9001 quality management system do not have to discard their existing procedures and documentation, of course. A good system remains a good system and you will still need a proper structure for your crucial documentation. Thank you for this interesting conversation, Luc. Questions or more information? Do you have any questions about quality systems, ISO 9001, ISO 9001:2015 or the transition from ISO 9001:2008? Then contact us without obligation on +32 9 324 70 80 or at. We will be pleased to help you! Stay up to date Did you find this interview interesting? Thank you for sharing it with your network. Would you like to read more of this sort of articles? Then subscribe below to our free newsletter. Hi Luc, Your article is extensive and complete and very clear. Thanks a lot for the update about what to do next. I do agree that it makes life a lot easier when one can identify the red line e. But thinking in terms of processes and systems, it is raised to a higher level in the ISO 9001:2015. So process management methodologies like SIPOC or Turtle Diagram are definitely the right tools in defining and documenting processes. But many of the questions about the transition are unanswered.. There are many other tools which one need to deploy like for risk management tools like SWOT, FMEA, Fault tree analysis, PESTEL analysis etc.. If the organisation is not measuring the critical processes, deployment of Balanced score card as a tool is must.. For process improvement organisations need to deploy lean , six sigma, toc , methods, tools and techniques.. So ISO needs to be more prescriptive in the sense so that the standard can be audit-able and add more value for the organisations.. You are absolutely right. There are indeed more risk management tools than the ones mentioned in the article. I also agree that the ISO 9001:2015 should be more prescriptive. This would make audits a lot easier. And the effects of uncertainty are not the same for all organizations. That is why the ISO 9001:2015 give no requirements for formal risk management methods or documented risk management processes. Organizations can decide whether or not to develop a more extensive risk management methodology than is required by the ISO 9001:2015. In my opinion it does not mean, the same documentation as before. The ISO 9001:2015 requires you to maintain documentation, but actually, these are limited and can be in any format and can come from various sources and media. Its flexibility means that you will be able to find a way of using it that fits your organization without requiring unnecessary paperwork. But as I have already mentioned in the article, organizations that already have an ISO 9001 quality management system do not have to discard their existing procedures and documentation, of course. A good system remains a good system and you will still need a proper structure for your crucial documentation. To come back to your question … That you must decide by yourself. Because you decide who, what and how a supplier directly affects the conformance and the quality of your products and services. ISO 9001:2015 does not prescribe also why you should evaluate and assess your suppliers, but there are several common sense reasons why you should: a new product or service, cost, compliance, financial stability, quality history, on-time delivery, ESD and counterfeit part prevention your examples , etc. You as an organization are going to determine what characteristics a supplier needs to have, demonstrate, or maintain to become a supplier for your company. Important to know: If a supplier is ISO 9001 certified it means that the supplier has established a systematic approach to quality management to ensure that your needs are clearly understood, agreed and fulfilled. However an ISO 9001 certification is NOT a declaration or statement of product or service conformity! I have an ISO 9001 certification in my company but need to upgrade to AS 9100. Since the latter has IS 9001- 2008 enshrined within, do I have to now incorporate IS 9001-2015 in our new manual? Could you kindly guide me as to how I can handle this transition smoothly. The AS 9100 includes ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems requirements and specifies additional requirements for the Quality Management Systems for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations. However, currently the AS 9100 includes the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems requirements. It is expected that a revised version of AS 9100, based on ISO 9001:2015, will be published at the end of this year. Therefore, companies are urged to refrain from upgrading their Quality Management System until after the AS 9100 revision is released. The ISO 9001:2015 have eliminate some of the requirements of the current version of AS 9100. All organizations currently certified to AS 9100 will need to transition to the new version of the standard by 14th September 2018. You do not need to convince me, I am fully agreed with you. But the basic rule to implement an ISO Quality Management System into an organization remains the same: you should not only implement it to meet the requirements of customers, but because the whole organization is convinced of the benefit … otherwise it makes no sense. It is difficult however to find online the differences between TS 16949 and ISO 9001-2015, your article was the most in depth description of 2015 in comparison to previous versions that I have found thus far. Do you know of any significant difficulties we would have in transitioning from TS 16959 to ISO 9001-2015? Also, for a company that is a Tier 2 to 3 automotive supplier but purely a finisher, would it be recommended to remain TS or change to ISO? So you need to implement an ISO 9001 Quality Management System! The IATF 16949:2016 will directly link to ISO 9001:2015, however the contents of ISO 9001 is not visible anymore in the text but it contains only the additional requirements for a Quality Management System in the automotive sector. This will be met in the recruitment process: by creation the job specifications that indicate clearly the skills and qualifications required for the job and thereafter, the recruitment of a competent person. But once recruited, it is necessary to ensure that the person is actually demonstrating those skills. First of all, there are no direct requirements for a Quality Manager or Quality Management Team in ISO 9001:2015. However there are many required activities that fit well with the traditional role, e. But to appoint a Quality Manager or a Quality Management Team depends on the size of the company. You cannot expect that a small company of 20 people have a Quality Management Team. In contrast, big companies will have the advantage to work with a Quality Management Team, managed by the Quality Manager. There is no requirement to switch immediately to an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. We just need to take into account the transition period of 3 years September 2018 or the expiry date of our current certificate. So you are welcome to execute an audit, but you cannot identify deviations according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard, because that is in contradiction with the standard of our current quality management system. Having following queries to clarify, kindly help me 1 Our company is already certified to ISO 9001:2008 by TUV India but the certificate expired on Dec 2016. As your certificate is already expired from December 2016, you can only start a new certification according to ISO 9001:2015. Whether an output of the organization company is a product or a service depends on the preponderance of the characteristics involved, e. So according to §8. I hope this is an answer to your question. Does this mean that the company needs to transition to ISO 9001:2015 before Sept 23, 2018? Or can the company remain and renew its ISO 9001:2008 before it expires on Sept 2018? If you could reply soonest, that will be much appreciated. If the ISO 9001:2008 certificate expire on September 14th 2018, it is impossible to renew it. They can only start a new certification according to ISO 9001:2015. See point d and e of the summary below. Here is a summary of the major points: a The IAF and the ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment CASCO have agreed to a 3 year transition period from the publication date of ISO 9001:2015. I do not fully agree with you. The new ISO 9001:2015 is really a powerful Management tool. Where previously there was quite often criticism that the ISO 9001 leads to many procedures and a lot of administration as means of securing, the ISO 9001:2015 has now evolved into a powerful tool that helps management in establishing frameworks and helps in the strategy of the company. But unfortunately you have fraudsters everywhere and every system is as strong as its weakest link. So check first if those certification bodies are accredited. Accreditation is not compulsory, but it does provide independent confirmation of competence. In case they are, you can inform the national accreditation body in your country of the fraud. To come back to your question … The period of implementing an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system for a certification audit depends on the current state of affairs of your quality management system and the complexity of your organization. For example: do you have already a certified ISO 9001:2008 quality management system? Then it will take less time than when the quality management system has to be built from zero. Therefore it is very important to execute first a gap analysis assessment in order to compare the current status of your quality management system to what ISO 9001:2015 requires, and identifies the gaps between what is there already and what is not. Pauwels Consulting can execute quickly and efficiently a gap analysis assessment in your organization. Based on the results of the gap analysis a realistic planning and resources will be proposed for the implementation, verification and validation of your quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Important: a verification and validation period should not be overlooked, because your organization must comply with a three-month period of proof before you can start with certification! Would you like more information? Then do not hesitate to contact us, without obligation. Our ISO 9001 team at Pauwels Consulting will be pleased to help you. It gives a clear insight into differences between ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 9001-2015. I had following queries: 1 The ISO Certification from Non-accredited bodies is much cheaper compared to certification from Accredited bodies. Is it only cost factor? To come back to your questions: 1 Is the price important? Of course, but price is not everything. Accreditation, on the other hand, is the formal recognition by an authoritative body of the competence to work to specified standards. It provides independent confirmation of expertise competence , impartiality, independence and improvement culture of certification bodies. I recommend cooperating with accredited certification bodies. Its role is to assess organizations that are providing testing, inspection, calibration and certification services certification bodies against internationally recognized standards. They are not a certification body. Australia AS, on the other hand, is the Australian Bureau for Standardization. Their expertise and main responsibility is the development and adoption of standards in Australia. They also facilitate Australian participation in international standards development. They are not an accreditation body or certification body. It was very helpful. I have a simple question,in new standards clause 6. Actually i did not understand what does the clause 6. Would you be kind of you giving small explanation about that clause? To come back to your question: There is no any requirement to prepare a procedure. The intent of §6. Therefore you should consider actions that could reduce the potential for negative impacts of the change, for example: plan performance tests and validation before full implementation. The level of planning and action required will vary depending on the potential consequence s of the change. To come back to your question … It is very important to execute first a gap analysis assessment in order to compare the current status of your quality management system to what ISO 9001:2015 requires, and identifies the gaps between what is there already and what is not. Pauwels Consulting can execute quickly and efficiently a gap analysis assessment in your organization. Based on the results of the gap analysis a realistic planning and resources will be proposed for the implementation, verification and validation of your quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Important: a verification and validation period should not be overlooked, because your organization must comply with a three-month period of proof before you can start with certification! Would you like more information? Then do not hesitate to contact us, without obligation. You decide which documented procedures or work instructions are necessary, because it is depending on the size of your organization, type of activities, competence of persons, complexity of processes, products and services. Of course organizations that already have an ISO 9001 quality management system do not have to discard their existing procedures and documentation, of course. A good system remains a good system and you will still need a proper structure for your crucial documentation. However the documented information must be controlled to ensure that is adequately protected e. Your organization need to take care concerning the communication to the external provider, e. There you will learn the scope and the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, and the consequences for your organization. Later you can follow a course for internal auditor ISO 9001:2015. The rest is practical experience, for example by working in a company that is ISO 9001 certified. That is how I built up my experience. ISO standards are protected by copyright, and they are licensed by the Belgian Bureau for Standardization to me or Pauwels Consulting. We cannot reproduce or publish its contents either wholly or partly, nor make it available either temporarily or permanently to third parties. Pauwels Consulting is an integer and reliable company and we respect copyright, so we cannot give you a copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. You can purchase this standard via ISO or your local Bureau for Standardization. My understanding is, most of the ISO 9001:2015 requirements are covered in ISO 27001:2013 as well. So, I am of the view that there is not a need to renew our ISO 9001 certification for 2015 standard. The ISO 27001 certification covers only the requirements of your Information Security Management System ISMS. I propose to go for an Integrated Management System IMS , because both standards have the High Level Structure HLS. So you will have one management system with unified objectives. Whatever you decide to do, success with it! The objective is to independently monitor compliance with these socially responsible global standards for manufacturing and ensure that manufactured products are produced under lawful, humane and ethical conditions. It is not a code of conduct, a new methodology, or a certification process. The SMETA documents are designed to be used by experienced auditors in line with current established practices. SMETA methodology uses the ETI code and local law as the measurement tool. Question, I have just taken on the role of QM for a small company here in Canada, their previous QM left the organization suddenly. We have our 9001:2015 audit coming up in less then 2 months. I have never taken on this task before , though I have much experience from a user point of view regarding ISO Operations standards. We make tiny metal pieces for various mechanical applications. Is there something I can focus on to help us pass our audit? Is there anything specific I do help us get ready for our audit? The books are not current ,though they do pass every 6 month audit. Are we in serious trouble? If we do not pass , what happens next? To come back to your question … That you pass every 6 months an audit, does not give you any guarantee, because those audits are only based on the ISO 9001:2008. Even the ISO 9001:2015 is not a revolution, but more an evolution of the standard, without experience or professional support it will be not easy for you company to get the new certification in two months. Keep in mind that you must concentrate on the context and stakeholder analysis. The top management of your company must show leadership. Risk management and knowledge management must be implemented in your organization and before certification you must have performed internal audits and a management review according to ISO 9001:2015. But no worries, we can help you with this if you want. Pauwels Consulting can execute quickly and efficiently a gap analysis assessment in your organization. Based on the results we can support you with the implementation, verification and validation of your quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Would you like more information? Do not hesitate to contact us, without obligation. I have gone through with what was done. We have a GAP analysis documented but not executed. Quality Manual still reflects ISO 9001:2008 structure which I am updating now. Is the audit going to be focused on the transition to ISO9001:2015? From March 2017, you can only do a re certification according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. To comply with ISO 9001:2015, you must concentrate on the context and stakeholder analysis. The top management of your company must show leadership. Risk management risk-based thinking is essential for achieving an effective Quality Management System. Also, knowledge management must be implemented in your organization. And, before re certification, you must have performed internal audits and a management review according to ISO 9001:2015. There is indeed confusion caused by the two different dates. You are not the first to raise this. So the date in my blog should have been better specified. I should not have spoken about a publication date, but about an availability date. Sorry for the misunderstanding! The company already certified to ISO 9001-2008 standards. For upgrading to the ISO 9001-2015 reqmnts what wud be the basic differences involved with particular ref to —particular ref to formal risk management methods or documented risk management processes,. Should the organisation have all the anticipated risks documented as a procedure or else should carry out risk analysis from time to time —this is with particular ref as to how it will be viewed by an external auditor during an audit. Risk-based thinking ensures these risks are determined, considered and controlled throughout the design and use of the quality management system. However there is no requirement in ISO 9001 to use formal risk management in accordance with ISO 31000 in determining and addressing risks. An organization can choose the methods that suit its needs. In some cases, an organization might have a formal risk management process in place that is required by customers or statutory and regulatory requirements. In such circumstances, the organization can adapt its formal risk management process to meet the intent of the requirements in ISO 9001 concerning risks and opportunities. The organization can also consider using the outputs of techniques such as SWOT or PESTLE. Other approaches can include techniques such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMEA ; Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis FMECA ; or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points HACCP. Once again, it is for the organization to decide which methods or tools it should use. There are various situations where risks and opportunities should be considered, for example strategy meetings, management reviews, internal audits, different kinds of meetings on quality, meetings to set quality objectives, the planning stages for the design and development of new products and services, and the planning stages for production processes. They should be conducted at planned intervals; this could be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.


Your Donation can make a difference We have chosen to make our Resources freely and openly available on the web with the hope that it touches the life of thousands of readers who visits us daily. The related requirements in ISO 9001:2008 are primarily in clause 8. Management can then focus on continual improvement of things gone right and take corrective action on things gone wrong. Risk-based thinking ensures these risks are determined, considered and controlled throughout the design and use of the quality management system. You are required to maintain your infrastructure. Could you kindly guide me as to how I can handle this transition smoothly. The organization needs to determine what needs to be monitored and measured. The quality management system is now more than ever a means for being strategically successful by addressing the needs of interested parties and by managing opportunities and threats. But many of the questions about the transition are unanswered. All of these factors need to inform your decisions on communication. You are expected to have a process that defines your customer satisfaction indicators, frequency and method of data collection, summarization, review and evaluation of data, actions to improve, timeline, responsibility and follow-up. Would you like to 9001 iso 2015 clauses more of this sort of articles?.